Elegant turquoise pants M 38

Price: $ 90 90 $
Price is negotiable
Created by
Thomas Keen Jr.
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I will sell COOLCLUB blue boys' pants bought in the Smyk store. New pants, never worn - only the tags were removed. While lying in the box, a small spot appeared near the pocket of unknown origin.
The size of the pants on the label - 164 cm.
Leg length - 100cm.
The length of the leg from the crotch - 72 cm.
The width of the waist is 68-72 cm (there is an elastic band).


Le Havre, France
124 rue Michel Ange

Advert details

Advert ID 257
Displayed 776
Added 15 June 2021
Expires 01 July 2025
Category Trousers